How Awesome is our God...This link above will make your heart smile...
After what happened the other day . I wanted to sit still and listen for God's direction. I opened up my Bible to Psalm 86 and asked for strength and His loving answer.
Tonight, I went out to the site where I posted my book. It is with Harper Collins in the U.K and there, clear as day was the answer I sought. There were two comments left in the last two days, I sat crying at the awesome way our Heavenly Father can send His powerful direction, comfort and love.
One of the comments was by another Author, the other was from a daughter of an Author, who in her own words said "she loves this site because she loves books and reading, so for her, it's a match made in heaven."
Both the comments these readers left were so amazing, I was extremely humbled, not so much by their comments about the book, though they were kind, encouraging, and positive, it was what they shared about the affect that the book had on them, that truly made things crystal clear that my Father heard my cries. I knew after reading them, that God wanted me to get back to my own work, which I had set aside to help this fellow author.
I still don't know if the situation that occurred was for mine, his, or our benefit; however, I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my Father wants me to move on, and stay the course that He layed before me.
Even through this blog I have gotten such support spiritually, that it is keeping me so much stronger, and closer in my walk, especially during this physical valley I am going through. I want to thank you all for your prayers, love, and words of encouragement, I am truly blessed, and so grateful that our Father in Heaven is expanding His families light, strength, and healing through our fellowship and prayers for one another.
Had we not taken heed and created these new and challenging ( for me at least, not computer savvy) blogs, we would not have had the chance to meet and unite in His love. May we all remember to sit still and give thanks, continue to grow, and most importantly remember to use the power of prayer for every one of us, always in all-ways... God Bless and may we all continue to feel our Father's loving embrace. Patricia©
I wasn't sure if I should post the comments or not. I decided I would, just so I could share God's awesome love.
wrote 7 hours ago
I've read through chapter 8 and had to stop (in puddles of tears) just to say how wonderful your book is .So easy to well written , I really hope that you have success with it .Looking forward to the next chapters...
Thank-you so much ....
Thank-you so much ....
wrote 2 days ago
Dear Columbia!
“Layers Of The Heart” had such a life-enhancing impact upon me that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart (yes, heart) for this. Your book would give hope to those who lost it, so I hope a great number of people will be able to enjoy it. “Layers Of The Heart” will make such a great difference in their lives if your message is heard.
Simply staggered by and grateful for the book.
The best of luck to you, Columbia.
“Layers Of The Heart” had such a life-enhancing impact upon me that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart (yes, heart) for this. Your book would give hope to those who lost it, so I hope a great number of people will be able to enjoy it. “Layers Of The Heart” will make such a great difference in their lives if your message is heard.
Simply staggered by and grateful for the book.
The best of luck to you, Columbia.
Wonerful news Indeed! I too have had confirmation from God in the past few days. I will do it ! I will just start writing ,then see what happens. Thats all the plan I have,but I know one who has all the plans and he will direct me.
ReplyDeleteI support you,and will be praying for you. God will lead you and it will be fabulous! Cyndi
God always answers us when we ask, it's just some don't recognise it is Him talking to us. You are always such a joy and a pleasure to make contact with Patricia and despite everything,you remain uplifted and hold your faith firm. Trust in God at all times (as you do) as He never lets us down. xx
ReplyDeleteWonderful!! Satan tries to use something for bad, like the internet, but our Father, He uses it to spread world wide worship and encouragment! I am so happy that you were uplifted by these comments.
ReplyDeletePraising God for you and praying for a healed shoulder and arm!
God Bless,
I am thankful for your good news! We all need encourgement from time to time,God has supplied yours,that is so wonderful. Blessings jane
ReplyDeleteI am so glad for you. God will tell us what to do next if we just continue to pray and be patient. But His time is not always ours. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteI really like your writing style. You have received some truly wonderful reviews. I'm going to check out your book now...
Thanks Deborah...I appreciate it that means a lot to me, I am so glad you're enjoying it..back at you Patricia
ReplyDeleteWe all need each other just like the eye needs the eyelid. God bless you my amazing friend and may you know that your writing has had a huge impact on my life too. Geoff.
ReplyDeleteYour doing just what God wants...Keep up the great work! Love ya
ReplyDeleteHe always answers us Patricia even if the answer isn't always what we seek. He knows best and in the end we come to realise, as usual He got it right. I am so glad you found comfort when you sought it. x