Thursday, October 27, 2011

*******When We Love as God Loves*******

Hi My Dear friends, I was asked this week by a friend going through some tough times, how is that you can forgive and forget? I just don't understand she said, family, doctors, friends, so many people have failed you and let you down, and yet you have no malice or bitterness and you still love them. She said "I can't, I can't do that."
To her surprise I said I can't either, stunned she said "what are you talking about I see you do it all the time." I responded with the truth, I said "I don't do it, the Holy Spirit does."

She was awaiting a sermon by the look on her face but instead I lifted up our conversation as I always try and do and simply said; "I am human like everyone else, I hurt, I cry, and I get angry, but instead of it controlling me, my day, or my life I lift it up. For in order to truly forgive one has to love unconditionally, and though most of us try to do that we are human, and it is impossible, however, our loving Father in His glorious wisdom and everlasting love knew that we would need the Holy Spirit dwelling within us in order to survive our trials on earth; and not to just maintain but excel in our purpose to spread His eternal, unconditional, all forgiving love."
Our all-knowing Father made us many promises and fulfills every one, when and only when, we remember to ask with His words and with true conviction.We knew this world would be our greatest challenge as it is not our home, but the attackers
 We also knew through Gods word that just as our Savior was persecuted and unaccepted, we as is brothers and sisters would face those same challenges, but they are so much easier to handle when we surrender and lift up all aspects of our daily life.
Not just a bad situation or an illness, or a circumstance, but everything from parking to shopping, and everything in between, because only God knows what, where, who and when He will need us; so if we lift everything, than we can be sure we will be ready and worthy for Him to use us as His light at any given moment.
So as we approach the up-coming weeks, I pray that our Father give us all the strength and wisdom to lift, speak, and heed the Holy Spirit in all things. I hope the poem below brings you hope and strength and understanding. God Bless us all and may He continue to wrap us in His loving embrace. Love hugs and prayers Patricia xx

Do We Love As God Loves?
When we love our God
we truly love ourselves
enabling us to love others.
By loving others
we are sharing our Father's love
unconditionally, without judgement,
 for it is everlasting.
When we acknowledge our gift of the Holy Spirit
we are capable of endless giving
and true forgiveness not just towards others
but of ourselves.

This is only attained through our eternal spirit
our loving mirror image
made possible only through faith
and knowledge of our Fathers promises.

We believe, therefore we know
Because we know
we can spread God's light.
God's divine plan:
love one another as you love yourself
as we continually strive
to walk in His likeness.
Patricia VanDenburg©


  1. Hi Patricia,
    I love your answer! Just 1 mth ago my brother in law asked me a very similar question. How do you forgive. I wish God had given me the words that you said. I told him that I can forgive because I have Jesus and He helps me. I love how you said that you hurt just like anyone else.

    Hope all is well with you and yes, I am still praying for that shoulder of yours. :)


  2. Hi Child thank you so much for your prayes and I am sure the Lord gave you words that helped him. I always ask for the Holy Spirits words when someone asks me any kind of guidance question, it's amazing but each time I ask I get it and when "I" answer without asking I can feel the difference now and will actually call the person back or if in person will say wait, that was my thoughts. I pray all is well with you hugs have a good weekend

  3. Beautiful words, may we all learn to love as Jesus has loved us.

  4. Amen Toyin....What an amazing life this should be...Have a great weekend and Thank you for your support and encouragement hugs xx

  5. Patricia,
    You are so right. Only God through his spirit can enable us to forgive and forget. We are simply not capable of it on our own.

    Thankfully, we love Him because He first loved us. All other good things flow from that truth.
    Blessings to you - Marsha

  6. Marsha you ae so right and we are so blessed to be filled with His love knowing thatt if we REMEMBER to ask, also not always easy for us butwhen we do we are able and willing to want to spread that beautiful precious unconditional love...Have a blessed week hugs xx

  7. Amen! Without God's help it is humanly impossible to forgive. All things are possible with God!

    Take care and have a Wonderful Week :-)

  8. Hi Ron, Thanks for stopping by. You are soarly missed and I look forward to your return. May you and your family enjoy healthy fruitful holidays ahead. May God keep you and all you love in His loving embrace...hugs xx

  9. Dear Patricia,

    You have a wonderful blogspot! I really enjoyed this post and absolutely loved your answer. It's not always easy to forgive, but God grace is sufficient for us, he gives us all we need to jump any obstacle. Life is good because God is good! Keep growing and glowing for God.


  10. Kerrie, Thank you so much for your beautiful words and encouragement. May you continue to be a beacon as al His children are. God Bless and welcome hugs love and prayers Patricia aka Columbia

  11. Dear Patricia,

    How are you? I hope you have had a good week and this finds you happy and healthy.

    I was having so many problems with my blogspot – so I decided to start again and transfer my blogs over. I hope you will stop by and follow me again. I am so-oo sorry for being such a pain.

    Thank you for being such a wonderful friend! I am blessed by your friendship! Sending you love and mega hugs!

    May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others.

    Have a pleasant day. God bless.

    With love and care from Kerrie. xOx
