Friday, April 29, 2011

****We've Been Extremely Tested Lately*****

First I want to say that all our prayers go out to those in the south who have lost friends, families, and their homes. It is so hard to see so many people 's lives forever changed in  an instant. We as Christians all must join in prayer across the country to bring strength to those, who at this moment, are having all that they believe in tested.

It is so easy for all of us to have faith when things are running smoothly or our attacks come in spurts and we find breathing room in between, but when we get blind-sided, and our world has we know it wiped out, well that's when our strength and faith really can be challenged.

These past few months have been so over-wrought with wide-spread devastation around the world, that we have barely had time to come up for air before we are challenged again, for myself, I find comfort in re-reading 2Chronicles 20, where in all human understanding everything looked impossible, and the outcome looked hopeless; however, when they all banded in faith and were steadfast  in prayer and song, they never even had to do battle because God our Father took care of it.

So my prayer this day is that we as believers remember that the most powerful weapon on earth and in the universe is prayer, and when we unite in that prayer, and truly surrender our hearts, minds, and understanding, Our Father with His mighty Hand will reach down, bring comfort, and restore order. So I ask humbly and with conviction, that we all lift up our faith, call upon the Holy Spirit so that He may carry our love and strength to all those in need of comfort during these times of trials and tribulations.

May our weeks ahead be filled with healing, love, and comfort, and may we all continue to feel our Heavenly Father's loving embrace..God Bless Hugs and Prayers Patricia©


  1. We just have to cling tightly to God in these days, lest we lose all hope.

  2. I like the comment of Michelle...we ALL can only cling to our God tightly knowing that He is still in control.

    Praying for you as well dear friend.

  3. I've been out of touch for such a long time now that I no longer know what is going on down there but your post says it all. When blind sided look up!
    It's good to be able to read your blog again. Lots of love and prayers, Geoff.

  4. Hi Patricia,
    I always enjoy your words!
    Regards, Elizabeth
