Thursday, February 10, 2011

******Blessings All Around******

A new follower Cyndi from had this on her blog...You know how I love to spread inspiration so I copied for you all...Have a fruitful, Blessed weekend Patricia

I had a really wonderful thing happen to me today. What made it really meaningful was that I had no idea who this person was, as we had never met or even spoke. I went to the supermarket in my hometown, and as in all small towns we all know each other and ask what's new, and share small talk about our lives.

At the checkout my regular woman Mary was helping me and she inquired about my health and the test that I had gone for last week. In relating the story of the outcome, I explained to her that the results were not good, and that since the fourth surgery is a very serious one that would not give me back any ability, and even after the shoulder replacement I would have permanent disabilities and limitations, that I decided God will show me what I need to do to learn to live with the pain, because having that procedure just to reduce pain was not an option for me.

She said she was so sorry to hear that after all I've been through that it had gotten worse. She packed my bags light and doubled, knowing I have to pick my bags up left-handed and she told me to have a nice day and feel better.

I left the store and was emptying my packages slowly into my trunk when a woman walked up to me and said "I overheard your conversation, and I just want you to know that I said a prayer for you and I hope you feel better." I thanked her and she got in her truck,(which happened to be parked right next to mine, in a large parking lot) coincidence, I don't think so.

I think God absolutely wanted me to know that He is sending me what I need from places I don't even know about, through people I don't even know. It gave my heart such a smile. I have done the same for others before, though I never had the chance to tell them, as I didn't happen to park next to them, but I pray all the time for those I don't know.

She will never know how much that meant to me on so many levels. Prayer is the weapon the Holy Spirit, Our Savior and Father equipped us with to endure the trials we all face on our journey.

My hope after reading this little story is that all of us remember that we carry the strongest weapon ever created in our Hearts and Minds everyday, and that we have the power to use this weapon to help as many people as we possibly can.

 Have you had something similar happen to you? Has our Father shown you through some action that let you know He hears and sees your needs, even when you don't ask? I am sure we would all love to hear about them. May you all have a safe and fruitful weekend, and may we all continue to feel God's loving embrace Patricia©


  1. isaiah 53 healing to you :-) may you feel better soon and be pain free!! may you find ps 91 rest and shelter too....

  2. My husband is due to have shoulder surgery on next month..He too is in constant pain. Often it is the little things that God provides and meets my needs that tell me how personal He is.

  3. That is what hubby and I call a God-incedence.

  4. Patricia:

    I believe that God is speaking to you, to us, through the events in our lives, through other people, and through the Bible. And you are listening to His voice and you are responding to His calling.

    I don't know what your health issue is, but God is using you to reach to others to set an example that nothing can separate you from the love of God. You are a courageous and strong woman and you are lifting God up even while you may be at your lowest point in your life.

    I am sorry to hear that you are going through difficult time. I will be praying for you. God will never leave nor foresake you.

    God Bless,

  5. God is so cool! I love how He works.
    Do you have arthritis in your joint? Bursitis? If you do there are cortisonsteriod shots that can really help a lot. It is not fun going through life with pain! I will be continuing to pray for you.

    How can I pray?

  6. I want to thank you all for your love encouragement support and prayers . I took a fall on this ice 3 years ago. Tore my Rotator cuff and my Bicep was in the middle of my arm. I have had # rotator cuff surgeries and two bicep surgeries and now my cuff has torn in 3 more places and my Teres Minor and Humeral head are atrophied and misplaced. They want me to have another surgery a very serious one. Shoulder replacement but I will still have permanent disabilities and limitations and it would basically be done for pain factor. I have had 33 surgeries in my life and nearly died twice, I was in a coma for 10 days and then I was bleeding internally. I do not respond well to going under and doing so so many times has changed my blood chemicals alot and caused other issues. I know the Lord and Holy Spirit inspired my book as I have gotten gifts, and letters of thanks from across the country and have been quite humbled. I evebn received a Mustard seed necklace which carries me through a lot. Again I will continue to pray for you all and your circumstances, especially your husbands pending surgery sunncalgal, God continue to embrace us all and may we continue to shine His loving light God Bless Patricia

  7. ugh left handed typing 3 Rotator cuff surgeries not # sorry

  8. God sent that lady to you to lift your spirits.I hope and pray you feel better soon. They say there's a silver lining behind every cloud,I hope god leads you to yours.Blessings jane

  9. Hi Patricia,
    Thank you for explaining in detail. I will continue to pray for you. May I put you on my church's prayer chain? Truly I believe in miracles I have seen with my own eyes one leg shorter then the other grow out before me. Just two weeks ago there was a group of teens traveling around and they came to our town and miracles were being preformed. I didn't see this but young adults from our church saw and were blown away by the power of our God.

    Continue to believe and never, never give up hope. I was very, very crippled with Rheumatoid Arthritis and now I am 90% healed!! I know my God can heal you. Press in and don't let go!


  10. of course you can Child and Thank you....God performs Miracles every second I do believe I have received many The Doctors used that very word to my Mom when I survived my coma..He said there was no medical explanation and it was a true Miracle...Praying always Patricia

  11. Great!!! Thank you! I love your faith Patricia, you inspire me.


  12. Isn't it wonderful how God always sends someone to us with just what we need or need to hear at just the right time. I loved this post. Still praying for you hear sweet Patricia. Hugs and blessings

  13. Oh, Pat, I am so sorry to hear this! I have been having a very similar situation with my knee. Now let me tell you this. I run and manage our church's 24/7 prayer and info line. Everyone calle me The Prayer Lady! I am also a deacon. So you can rest assured that I will be praying for you, and for God to give you and your doctor discernment as to what to do now. I am not having a surgery, but then I need to go on narcotics. I feel sure that with prayer you will get a leading as to what to do, but it will be in God's timing, not ours. Blessings to you.

  14. Happy Friday Patricia,

    What an awesome story! I pray for people I don't know also. Once I was getting gas and the passenger in the other car was crying. I asked the person pumping gas in that car if I could have the passenger's name so that I could pray for her. It was her mother and she was very touched.

    We truly have to be outside ourselves and our "stuff" to see and hear the needs of others. How beautiful that the lady was attentive and spirit filled to hear your need.


  15. Patricia,
    I am glad I came across your blog today. I have not been blogging long, and I look for new ones to visit from lists of other people and tonight I clicked on yours. I know that God sends people to us at just the right time to give us encouragment and see us through. Thanks for sharing and I will come back! Feel free to check out my blog about my salvation journey at God Bless!!!

  16. As you know first hand I've also been blessed with so many miracles in my life...Blows my mind sometimes...but I gotta tell ya... Just seeing the beautiful things people wrote, and who don't even know you... warms my heart. It's so nice to see that there are still people who care ...out in this very cold world..OR... Maybe it's not as cold as I thought it was.......Again Great read Love ya!

  17. hello1 thank you for the encouragement. I read the excerpt form your book and yes, I am interested. I will see what I can do to get a copy as soon as I am able. I so agree with you about people being more alike than they may know and how we all need to know we are not flying solo out there.No one is going through things someone hasn't experienced before. God has used people I have never met to strengthen me on my writing journey.I have been asked before why I don't write a book ,but I don't know how or how I would actually get it made into a book, so I figured blogging would be as close as I can get. I think it is very exciting you were able to do it, Congrats! I am continueing the saga of my life of addiction and trials before Christ, giving all the Glory to the one who saved me. Thanks be to God for the things he has done!

  18. I think you are an inspiration to us all. Not only the way you manage to type anything!, but the way you keep cheerful, support others and encourage us is truly a wonderful gift. It is only right and fitting that God sends blessings and support to you too. I am so sorry to hear about the surgery. I wish there was something I could do to make things better for you. Prayers as always sent your way, Lorraine xxxx

  19. Oh Pat, it's your funny friend from South Africa sending you love on this Valentine's day and just letting you know that God is real. He says "My house shall be a house of prayer." If you need help from God go to the house of prayer, you will find Him there waiting for you.
