Wednesday, May 4, 2011

****Remembering We All Have A Purpose****

First I must apologise to my fellow bloggers as I have not had the clarity to absorb or read so many of my favorite blogs, but I will be visiting you all over the next few days.

I am so blessed to have made so many dear Christian friends whose prayers and kindness has gotten me through some very rough weeks, and I am happy to say that they have helped me to deal with my pain level, as well as add to my spiritual strength and overcome some very debilitating days. I am now back to a level where I can at least function.

In talking with the Holy Spirit and studying our Father's word over these past few challenging weeks, I have been able to separate myself from this flesh suit and stand tall and armed against my attacker.

Just as our Father, Savior, and the Holy Spirit knows our needs, our enemy knows our weaknesses and uses them to try and yank us from our path and purpose.

I have had so many close friends under severe attacks lately that I have found myself with bowed head and on bended knee more than I have been in an upright position, that being said, our Awesome God has renewed their strength and brought them peace and comfort, and they too, are now on their path with feet planted. How awesome is the power of prayer.

Prayer is oxygen for the Christian family. It gives us all we need, not only to keep ourselves at peace, but it strengthens the power and protection of all those whom we pray for.

We just celebrated the resurrection of our Savior and if we remember daily, that through that one act, we were all given gifts brought to us through the gift of the Holy Spirit, and if we individually seek out what our personal gifts are, our family will be self-reliant and truly a force that can change the world back to what our Heavenly Father had originally planned.

So my prayer for the upcoming week is that while we are talking with our Father and Savior, we remember to ask for the strength to call upon the Holy Spirit for direction, as well as to give us all the clarity we need to identify our gifts, and use them to their full potential, for the use our Father had in mind when He bestowed them to each of us.

May we all continue to feel Gods loving embrace. Have a fruitful week, God Bless Patricia©


  1. Oh Patricia I loved the part that you said..."prayer is oxygen", I had never thought about it like that. Thank you so much for sharing your heart here. Praying for continued healing of your body, soul and spirit.

    You are a very special person.

    Blessings friend.

  2. You are so precious and encouraging as well and your words of support mean the world to me...Thank you for your time and input...God Bless prayers and hugs Patricia

  3. I too love that you said Prayer is oxygen for the Christian family.

    I am glad to hear that you are up on your feet and feeling a bit better!! :)

    There has been a lot of spiritual attack going around my family has been attacked and friends that I know have been under the fiery arrows. You find yourself in the company of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Praying and praying for you,

  4. may God give you grace and patience as you and you are all tested and may you find a crown of glory at the end....selah
