Sunday, April 3, 2011

***** Our Lives Are Like Spring Everyday*****

Spring is such an awesome everyday reminder of how loving, nurturing, and
all-knowing our Father truly is. No matter how bad the winter may have been, what damage it may have caused, without fail, come spring the birds return with the beauty of song, the flowers bud in anticipation of showing off their beautiful colors, and the trees look froward to bringing us much needed shade for the upcoming summer to follow.

Much like our daily lives, no matter how many times we may stumble or react to the trickery and hurdles we fight and sometimes fail to overcome; the Holy Spirit sweeps in as soon as we remember to listen and expect His help to renew our strength and wisdom over our current circumstance.

How awesome is it, that everyday of our lives is like spring...for each time we have that intimate conversation and sit still, the Holy Spirit takes over and breathes new life into our spirit, renews our hope and expectancy, and our world becomes a serene, safe and stable place.

As many of you have probably noticed my blogs have been less frequent, unfortunately due to pain with some new health issues I have been unable to do much of anything, however, the Holy Spirit is keeping me strong spiritually and emotionally, and though physically Satan is using me for target practice, with my intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit I am able to still remain at peace, feeling secure and safe, knowing I am surrounded by my God's awesome love and filled with the most powerful weapon in all the universe.

I know that most of my brothers and sisters know what I am going through, and though our battles may use different weapons of choice to attack us, we all possess the ultimate weapon of defeat to destroy our enemies. Our only need to accomplish these winning battles is to remember to ask and sit still long enough to here the answers we need, not only to win these battles but to triumph over the war.

As I share these thoughts with you today, the Sun is shinning, the sky is clear blue, and the deer are running across my yard past my bedroom window, a birds-eye view of Gods beauty and love for all living things.

I pray that we all have an outstanding Sunday, and a fruitful, intimate week with God, may He continue to use us all to strengthen not only our families at home, but our family in Christ Jesus around the globe. I pray we all continue to feel His loving embrace in all circumstances......God Bless Patricia©


  1. Hi Patricia,
    I am so sorry that you are in so much pain and life is changing for you. Please know I am still praying for you and will continue to do so.

    Hang in there!

  2. Know Patricia that I will be praying for you.
