Wednesday, January 25, 2012

*********The Eternal Heart*********

It has been a very tough couple of months for many people including myself, who have suffered loss and many battles. As we're taught through our loving Father's words the closer to the end of this world, the harder and more difficult our battles will become.

 I hope the poem below lifts you up and brings you comfort, and know that though we walk in different locations we walk similar paths, and as long as we choose our Fathers walk for us, He will always be our pilot guiding us home. Hugs, love and prayers Patricia  xoxox

It's hard for us to comprehend
that our hearts will never die,
though the attacker aims to trick us
so we buy into his lie.

That once our bodies fade to dust
that's where it all will end,
but you and I know for sure
it's to Heaven we'll ascend.

For our loving Father promised us
that this world is a small piece,
 and it's always been just temporary
for the devil holds it's lease.

Our joyous life that's full of peace
where Love's in every heart,
has yet to be revealed to us
for only in Heaven can it start.

An unconditional loving heart
belongs to only "One" for now,
but once we all are called upon
our Savior will show us how.

Our earthly heart endured such pain
and survived when it was lost,
to erase our sins he used His blood
for only He could bare that cost.

Someday soon He'll come for us
to share where no man's gone before,
and our loving Father will be the one
to greet us at His door.....

Patricia VanDenburg©


  1. Hi Patricia,

    So much pain! I here you hon, yes I hope He comes soon. What a amazing day that will be, when Jesus raptures His church.

    Lifting you up often,

  2. Happy Sunday Patricia ~
    What an awesome poem. It's beauty and truth warms my heart. Knowing that all we endure here on earth is all for His Glory and His alone can surely put things into perespective. I've recently had a blue season and HE brought me back to reality... this life is surely not about me.

    Love you dearly,
    Free Spirit

  3. Patricia, I am most certainly cannot wait in meeting up with my Lord. Soon and very soon. Blessings to you.
