Monday, August 15, 2011

Please Give Us the Strength To Not Be Selfish

In The Comfort Of Your Word

When someone is suffering,
And it's not in our reach,
 we hold fast to your word,
And seek what you teach.

When the pain is our own,
with that we can cope,
but when it's those that we love,
it's a whole other scope.

Trapped in these bodies,
it's hard to accept,
that death is a blessing,
we need learn to respect.

For it's just a vacation,
a place where we sleep,
before we are called upon,
to sow what we reaped.

To live forever,
where no pain will exist,
for many of us,
a thought hard to resist.

For the torments been much,
the battles non-stop,
but a price gladly paid,
to stand tall at the top.

For in our Fathers kingdom,
the houses are many,
and for those who gave in,
there will not be any.

Our Savior was clear,
about the joy we will share,
so in the pain, we too suffer,
as it only seems fair.....

Patricia VanDenburg©
Inspired by: Galatians 6: 6-8
2Corinthians 4

 Hi my dear Sisters and Brothers, I want to thank you all for the many prayers for me and those around me who are suffering right now. I am renewed daily through my prayer and yours, and the strength and love I feel is truly beyond my comprehension; and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I continue to pray for you and those you love and care about as well; and may we all continue to feel our loving Fathers embrace through all circumstances...God Bless, love and hugs Patricia


  1. There are times in life when we have to put aside things we were going to do... to be with someone who needs us... Sometimes that's not an easy thing to do...but we do it because we care and because we love...I am so proud to call you my friend why? because today you were going to do just that...Put aside everything to go and be with a friend who means the world to you and needed you to give her what she had lost for a moment... (Hope)... Not many like us... sad to say... but I'm sure glade you my friend Love u

  2. Hi Patricia:

    What a beautiful poem and so very true. So good when we can put our own personal things aside for the good of others. Isn't that what loving our neighbour is all about?


  3. Hello there,

    I love the poem and the reminder of His grace. Wishing you a great day, pain free, endless epiphanies and lots of hugs!

    love, peace and multiple blessings,


  4. Hi guys, not sure if anyone else is having a problem posting comments, can you let me know? this is the second time China had to email me her comment
