Monday, June 6, 2011

Spread Love and Kindness Every Day

For those of you who are not familiar with my book, the premise is basically about fulfilling our purpose that God has chosen for each of us; and no matter what they may be as individuals, as a whole, it is our responsibility as Christians to spread love and kindness, and not judgement.

A smile goes a long way, as does a compliment, and we never know the inner thoughts of someone who is acting unfriendly or rude. We don't know the "Why?," however, by showing kindness in spite of their actions, we might just make a difference in that person's life.

Perhaps they are jaded by the road or path they were given or chose for themselves, or they might be in spiritual or physical pain, whatever their reason, it is our Father's will that we try and make their day a little brighter and better.

 I can recall a few times when I was feeling awful and trying my best to hide it and not doing a very good job. But I do remember that when someone reached out with a smile or complimented me on something, it made me feel like everthing will be o.k. I realized I was still being noticed, and that meant that the Lord wasn't done with me yet.

Though they had no idea, that in that smile, and compliment, I was hearing the Holy  Spirit tell me I still had a purpose, and that God still needed me, that was exactly what was meant to hear through their smile and words, God was using them to speak to me so I could hear His message from the Holy Spirit.

 I share this because sometimes what we hear ourselves say, is not what the receiver is hearing, because when we walk with the Father He uses the Holy Spirit's words to mix with ours and the person we are interacting with is hearing much more.

So my hope for this week is that when we go to the stores, or have lunch with a friend, or even talk on the phone, that we remember to smile and be kind, and take the extra step to say what we might be keeping to ourselves. If you bump into a friend you haven't seen, and you're thinking to yourself, "wow, they look great." Say it a loud to them, don't keep it to yourself, because the difference that sentence may make to their day can be life-altering.

I had posted this poem a few months back and I have many new followers, so I thought I would post it again, it's in my book I hope that perhaps it will bring a smile to your day.
God Bless you and keep you  all in His loving embrace, may we all have a fruitful week.... Patricia

A Happy Gaze

When one is truly happy,
their face is all aglow.
With laughing eyes, and endless smiles,
that surely let you know.

And though a perfect stranger,
may not know what's taken place.
To his surprise, a similar smile,
is now upon his face......©

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